You're super excited to use your new presets! I don't blame you, I bet they're going to elevate your editing.
Lightroom (finally) loads and you add them to your library. Off ya go, on an editing spree, (hopefully) stoked with your new purchase.
But what do you do with the .zip file you downloaded? Does it live for all eternity in your download folder, swarmed by the rest of the files that live in limbo? I am SO guilty of this. But they can be saved, and easily accessible in the future!
Read on for my 2 places I store my files.

Google Drive/Dropbox
This has to be the best place to keep them. They will forever be accessible as long as you have internet access. If your computer literally dies and cannot be resuscitated - BAM! They are waiting patiently for you!
I store all my .zip files in their own special folder.
External hard drive
My general practice has me using an external hard drive to edit off of. I keep as much of my files off my computer, and on an external hard drive. Again, they have their own special folder on my main hard drive that I edit from.
So, let this be your sign to scroll back through the endless files that live in your downloads folder, rescue your preset files, and move them into their flash new locations.